
Copyright ©2000-2009, Winning Outlook Associates, Inc.

Managing Your Risk to Providing a Good Customer Experience

From small call centers three decades ago to giants 10 years later, from Middle America to overseas and back again and finally to work-at-home agents - the customer contact profession continues to evolve at a dizzying pace and savvy managers have come to understand that successfully managing business culture is the differentiating skill that separates the Winners from the Wannabes.  Ironically, although technology has changed radically over time, people have not—they still want to be informed, enabled, heard and recognized and now matter how you configure your queues or your cubes—those four elements are unlikely to change much - ever.

WinningOutlook Associates specializes in providing clients with effective tools for the human side of our industry -systems for informing, enabling and listening and finally for recognition.  We custom fit surveys to match your business type and workplace needs, for there simply is no one-size-fits-all.  And while our ability to gather data through pencil-and-paper or online survey tools is highly effective, what separates our services from the drive-bys is our suite of assessment tools and our on-site information-gathering process. 

Our Union Risk Assessment and our HR Quality Assessment combined with the many years of award-winning experience of our implementation team may well be the best investment you can make in the future of your call center.