
Copyright ©2000-2009, Winning Outlook Associates, Inc.

The Road to Enhancing the Customer’s Experience

Winning Outlook Associates’ Contact Center Consulting Services help companies create profit-based contact centers and offers a complete portfolio of needs-driven solutions. Not only do we make recommendations that are proven to deliver measurable results and improve customer satisfaction; we implement solutions that can help customers build their new or existing operation into a world-class contact center leading to greater customer retention. Our consultation services include:

  1. Identify the areas of operation that can yield greater efficiencies, benefits, or cost savings

  2. Recommend specific solutions for realizing those advantages

  3. Cost-justify the components of each solution to ensure real, measurable returns on investment

  4. Implement the solutions and remain onsite until projected goals are achieved

  5. Improve center service levels

  6. Optimize queue structures

  7. Implement optimal processes linking customer satisfaction/retention to corporate operating goals

Specifically, as it pertains to WOA’s Contact Center Consulting Services, we focus on delivering unique contact center solutions to all types of organizations. Our offerings range from project management to workforce training and management. WOA’s Contact Center Services can assist with every aspect of contact center operation.

Quality Process Consulting

WOA Consulting Services works with the customer on-site to improve the management skills, tools, and processes used within their contact center enterprise. Our Quality Process Consulting program is designed to help businesses achieve optimum service levels, improve performance levels, increase sales, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction and retention.

The WOA Quality Process Consulting (QPC) program is a key component of WOA's Contact Center Consulting portfolio. QPC is a three-phased program designed to help organizations improve contact center performance through total process analysis and re-engineering. QPC assists customers in designing and implementing quality management systems and tools designed to increase efficiencies and maximize productivity.

Phase One

The QPC One -Week Quality Review assesses the performance level in all key operating areas. It is based on management interviews, direct observation of customer service representatives, management reporting and an analysis of contact center statistics. The goals of the QPC one week analysis are to:

  1. Understand Corporate Strategic Contact Center Initiatives

  2. Evaluate Current Center Operational Goals

  3. Identify Opportunities To Achieve "World-Class" Status

  4. Create a Cost Benefit Model for Applicable Program Implementations

  5. Establish a Return On Investment for an Implementation Program.

At the end of the week, a detailed evaluation document is provided which illustrates the vital statistics of the center's operation as well as savings projections for implementing the full QPC Program. This evaluation will include:

  1. Study of the current Contact Center processes

  2. Assessment of the current operating structure

  3. Assessment of the Contact Center forecasting methodology

  4. Assessment of the current Contact Center scheduling process

  5. Examination of existing management tools

  6. Evaluation of the current floor management practices

  7. Study of current agent performance versus optimal performance

  8. Modeling cost reduction

WOA’s recommendations will be presented to the customer on the final day of the analysis. WOA will propose savings with a return on investment under the Quality Process Implementation phase.


Phase Two

Phase two focuses on creating a customized solution set to address the opportunities identified in Phase 1.   During this phase we work with you to determine the best solution to capture the existing opportunities for improvement. After determining the best solution set, we collect data and custom design processes, productivity enhancement programs, supervisory/agent training programs, as required to capture existing opportunities.

Other tasks include:

  1. Employee skill assessment for training/cross-training purposes

  2. Process mapping to define process improvement opportunities

  3. Schedule development based on e-mail/phone work demand models

Phase Three

The final phase consists of implementation and knowledge transfer.  We implement the solutions identified in Phase Two.  This implementation phase begins with training your team on the enhanced applications.  We then fully implement the solution set across your center.  The onsite WOA professionals work with your staff until the project goals have been achieved.  Our hands-on implementation process is designed to train your staff on the job so that they confidently make the operational business changes.  By doing this, we ensure that our implementation is understood fully and that the benefits are standardized and long lasting.



The full implementation of phases two and three of the Quality Process Consulting program last between eight and sixteen weeks depending on the complexity of the application and the size of the center. By project conclusion, the program has been designed to allow the contact center to deliver world class customer service, enhance the customers contact experience, and increase customer retention. At the same time, implementation of the enhanced processes enables the contact center to reduce operational costs. The changes implemented during the Quality Process Consulting Program are dynamic in nature and the success of the program will be continuous due to the transfer of knowledge from WOA representatives to all levels of center management.